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What Is Industry 5.0?

While many businesses are still adapting their strategy and operations in line with Industry 4.0, we’re already entering a new industrial revolution. Industry 5.0 represents a shift that brings together the best of human ingenuity and technological advancements. It offers businesses, especially SME manufacturers, the chance to innovate, grow, and thrive in a complex and competitive market while fostering a more sustainable and human-centric approach to industrial development.

The European Union defines Industry 5.0 as “a vision of industry that aims beyond efficiency and productivity as the sole goals and reinforces the role and the contribution of industry to society. It places the wellbeing of the worker at the centre of the production process and uses new technologies to provide prosperity beyond jobs and growth while respecting the production limits of the planet.”

Industry 5.0 is the next phase in the evolution of industrialization and follows on from Industry 4.0. While Industry 4.0 focused on the integration of machines and technology, such as robots, automation and the Internet of Things, Industry 5.0 places emphasis on the collaboration between machines, technology and humans with a focus on wellbeing, resilience and sustainability.

Key Features of Industry 5.0


Industry 5.0 places a strong emphasis on enhancing human capabilities and wellbeing in the workplace. It places a focus on employees’ creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Collaboration between humans and machines

Industry 5.0 highlights the partnership between humans and machines, with an emphasis on machines developing and improving human capabilities rather than replacing them.

Customization and personalization

With an increasing demand for customization, Industry 5.0 promotes advanced technologies to enable the smart manufacturing of custom goods. These technologies include design automation, 3D product configurators and CPQ solutions.

Sustainability and ethical manufacturing

Industry 5.0 places a greater emphasis on sustainable practices that minimize environmental impacts. Ethical manufacturing processes aim to improve the quality of life for employees and their wider community, promoting a more responsible approach to production.

Integration of advanced technologies

Industry 5.0 continues to use AI, IoT, and big data analytics, but with a stronger focus on their ability to augment human decision-making. Technologies such as AR and VR will be increasingly used in training and interactive experiences.

Resilient and Flexible Production Systems

Industry 5.0 promotes the development of production systems that are easily adaptable and resilient to changes in the global landscape and economy.

Why We Think Embracing Industry 5.0 Is A Game Changer For SME Manufacturers

Enhanced productivity: Combining the creativity of your workforce with the efficiency of machines can lead to improved productivity and innovation.
Engaged workforce: When repetitive tasks are performed by technology and machines, your teams have more time to spend on more meaningful and engaging tasks.
Greater customization: The ability to produce highly customized products at scale can lead to increased sales, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.
Reduced environmental footprint: With more focus on sustainable practices, you can reduce the environmental footprint of your manufacturing processes.