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What Can You Do With a Free 30 Day Trial of DriveWorks Solo?

Let’s take a look at the benefits of DriveWorks Solo and how you can get the most out of your 30 day FREE trial.

DriveWorks Solo is a powerful Design Automation add in for engineers using SOLIDWORKS.

Design engineers across many industries use DriveWorks Solo to reduce repetitive design tasks, automate the generation of new models in SOLIDWORKS or even just to automate part of a SOLIDWORKS assembly.

You can try DriveWorks Solo by downloading a Free 30 Day Trial from the DriveWorks Community.

Below are some ideas to help you get the most from your 30 Day Free Trial.

DriveWorks Training Tutorial

Once you’ve downloaded the software, be sure to download the Training Manual and watch the online training videos. There’s a video for each lesson and you’ll go through all the underlying Design Automation concepts in DriveWorks Solo and create your first project.

DriveWorks Solo Training.

DriveWorks Community

The DriveWorks Community is a great way to meet other users, share tips and tricks and find solutions. You’ll need access to the community to download the latest software releases, services packs, how-to videos and the training tutorial.

Visit the DriveWorks Community.

Our YouTube Channel

The DriveWorks YouTube channel is packed full of useful how-to videos which not only introduce you to our software, but also pick apart our sample projects to show you how they were set up. These videos will help SOLIDWORKS engineers see what’s involved in Design Automation.

Visit the DriveWorks YouTube Channel.

DriveWorks Solo Webinars

We host regular DriveWorks Solo Getting Started webinars and DriveWorks Solo Online Training webinars. These are step by step guides to help you learn more about DriveWorks Solo.

Sign Up Now for Our Upcoming Webinars.

Download our Sample Projects

The DriveWorks Solo Sample Projects are a great way to learn about what the software can do. Pick apart the project at your own pace and discover how it was constructed. Each project comes with a useful walk through video and a PDF with the key facts.

Check Out Our Sample Projects.

Online Help File

Our Online Help File is packed with valuable information that you can use to help you throughout your 30 day trial and beyond. You can find solutions for issues, best practices and tips and tricks. The Help File even has a search function to help you find what you need.

Visit the DriveWorks Solo Help File.

Use the Little Book of Rules

The Little Book of Rules contains examples of the rules that you will need to automate your designs with DriveWorks Solo. It also includes a guide to some of the syntax you can use.

You can purchase The Little Book of Rules online, or tell us what you have achieved with DriveWorks and we’ll send you one!

Buy The Little Book of Rules.

DriveWorks Solo Return on Investment Calculator

Our Return on Investment Calculator runs through the costs and associated savings that can be made by investing in DriveWorks.

Not only does it take in to account the cost of purchasing our software but also the time it will take to implement the software and, of course, the savings from automating the generation of new designs.

Your results will be displayed on screen and be sure to enter your email address so the results and calculations can be emailed to you.

Use the DriveWorks ROI Calculator.

What Next?

Once you’ve checked out all of the ideas above and created your first DriveWorks Solo project why not show your colleagues what you have achieved?

We hope you’ll want to buy some DriveWorks Software licenses!

You can contact us and we’ll put you in touch with your local DriveWorks Reseller.

See What More You Can Do with DriveWorks Solo.

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We regularly update all of these resources so make sure you connect with us on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn, and follow our blog, to see all of the latest news and announcements from us.