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SOLIDWORKS Students: Gain an Extra Qualification to Improve Your Skills and Employability

What Is The DriveWorksXpress Certification?

DriveWorksXpress is a free design automation tool included in every license of SOLIDWORKS.

More and more companies are adopting design automation techniques to save time, reduce repetitive engineering tasks and minimise costly errors. Design automation is becoming the norm and engineering students can gain the skills they need by completing the DriveWorksXpress Training and Certification.

Download and complete the DriveWorksXpress Training Tutorial. It’s easy to follow and there are lots of free resources to help you.

Take a short online test to get certified. You’ll get instant feedback and your certificate will be emailed to you automatically.

Continue your learning with additional resources and join a global community of SOLIDWORKS and DriveWorks engineers.

What Are The Benefits of Being a CDWXA?

Lukasz improved his employability with a DriveWorksXpress certification, impressed the employer at interview and got the job he wanted. Read Lukasz’ story here.

Free Online Training Resources

Online Help File

Press F1 in DriveWorksXpress to use the built-in Help File.


Wach our free monthly webinar to learn how to get started with DriveWorksXpress.

Rules Guide

Request a Little Book of Rules – a handy guide to writing rules in DriveWorks.

Sample Projects

Download our sample projects to see more industry examples.

How To Videos

Watch short video clips to learn how to use DriveWorks at your own pace.


Add to your knowledge with extra tutorials and videos.

Take The Certification

The DriveWorksXpress Training and Certification is a free certification for all engineering and design students who have access to SOLIDWORKS.

Becoming a Certified DriveWorksXpress Associate gives you new skills to add to your résumé, kick starts your engineering career and open doors in a competitive jobs market.

Take the Certification