Get the latest news, tips, events and software updates from the DriveWorks team.
Happy Belated Pancake Day!
Happy Pancake Day from the DriveWorks Team!
Back by Popular Demand – DriveWorks Pro Webinars
In November, we announced that DriveWorks Co-Founder and Vice President, Maria Sarkar, would be hosting a brand new webinar introducing DriveWorks Pro. These sessions were very popular and due to high demand we will be running them again on Thursday 25th February and Thursday 3rd March.
DriveWorks World 2016 Sponsor Spotlight – Razorleaf
Razorleaf are Sponsoring DriveWorks World 2016 During our big birthday celebrations we’ve been looking back at the past 15 years of automating SOLIDWORKS. Razorleaf, as our first Authorized Services Partner back in 2005, have been a huge part of those years. Razorleaf have supported DriveWorks World for as long as we can remember and we’re really excited to […]
DriveWorks World Registration Closes 12th February!
Registration closes 12th February! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to join us for our annual technical event which will be held at the Park Royal Hotel.
WEG Energia – A DriveWorks Pro Case Study
Discover how WEG Energia, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of Electric Motors are using DriveWorks Pro to eliminate repetitive engineering tasks.
Happy 15th Birthday DriveWorks!
Today is our 15th birthday and we’re celebrating 15 years of DriveWorks Design Automation Software and 15 years of Automating SOLIDWORKS!
DriveWorks World 2016 Sponsor Spotlight – SOLIDWORKS
We’re very pleased to announce that SOLIDWORKS are sponsors of DriveWorks World 2016 and we can’t thank them enough for their on-going support.
DriveWorks World Fixed Delegate Hotel Rate Ends 3rd February!
If you’re joining us at DriveWorks World 2016 and haven’t yet booked your room at The Park Royal Hotel, you’ll need to book before 3rd February 2016 in order to secure the fixed delegate rate. After this date, rooms will be charged at the best available rate, so book now to ensure you don’t miss out!
A Hands-On Show and Tell
Each Friday the whole DriveWorks team come together in the Barley Store for a show and tell. We haven’t blogged about them for a while, but we’ve still been gathering to learn from each other. This week, the whole team gathered as usual and we were very excited when our CEO Glen told us to wrap up warm as we were heading outside…
DriveWorks at SOLIDWORKS World 2016
SOLIDWORKS World is just around the corner and the DriveWorks Team can’t wait to head to the airport and make their way to Dallas. With over 100 booths in the Partner Pavilion, we know you’ll be spoilt for choice. However we’d love for you to head over to booth 817 and say hello to our team! But why should you come to our booth? Here’s a few reasons…
Last Chance – DriveWorks World Early Bird Rate Ends Today!
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to save £250 with the DriveWorks World early bird rate! It ends TODAY!!
En synergie avec l’essor des techniques du numérique et la nécessité de mutation à laquelle sont confrontées les entreprises, le réseau Up Numérique lance la 1ère édition du congrès « Entreprise du Futur » dédié aux décideurs de PME/ETI de tous secteurs d’activité.
DriveWorks World Early Bird Rate Ends This Friday!
The DriveWorks World early bird rate ends this Friday! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to save. Register now to secure the early bird discount.
DriveWorks CPD: And The Winner Is…
December 31st marked the end of the third quarter of this year’s DriveWorks CPD program. Discover who won and who will be joining us at DriveWorks World.
Plan Your Agenda at SOLIDWORKS World 2016
Over the course of SOLIDWORKS World, you’ll join more than 5,000 of your peers and select from more than 200 breakout sessions on a range of topics. Make sure design automation is one of the topics you decide to learn more about. Even if you’re already automating there’s always something new to see and learn. Join […]