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The New DriveWorks ROI Calculator

Calculate your Return on Investment

Our Return on Investment Calculator is a DriveWorks Pro CPQ project that lets you calculate the Return on Investment for DriveWorks Solo online based on automating one of your own products.

Calculate the savings you could make and see how soon you could benefit. Enter your details and you’ll receive the ROI breakdown, a boss’ justification letter and a quote, all automatically created and emailed to you by DriveWorks.

Because this is such a powerful tool that really helps you to see how much automation can benefit you, we’ve just updated the ROI calculator to make it even more impressive.

Not only has the entire form been given a makeover, the ROI project now also includes the new HTML email functionality that was added to the latest release of DriveWorks Pro, DriveWorks 14. This means that the email you’ll receive includes an eye catching background and our logo as well as the graph that explains the ROI clearly.

The documents that are emailed to you have also been refreshed, including the same background and logo, to match our branding, and has impressive shared images. This clearly demonstrates how easy it is to customize the look and feel of your own DriveWorks driven documents.

All of this functionality is available to you with DriveWorks Pro so you can maximize consistency and professionalism when responding to customers.

Try it for yourself, calculate the ROI for DriveWorks Solo based on one of your products at: roi.driveworks.co.uk



Sample ROI Calculator Email

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