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International Women’s Day – Amee Meghani

International Women’s Day 2022

International Women’s Day (IWD), celebrated annually on 8th March, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women all around the world. International women’s day has been celebrated for well over a century, with the first one starting in 1911.

This day is one of the most important days of the year to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about women’s equality, and share stories of inspiring women.

Join us in celebrating just some of the inspirational women in our community and the empowering work they do for women everywhere.

Amee Meghani

Director of Engineering, South Region – GoEngineer

Amee is a huge advocate for STEM and aims to show young children the variety of career options available in STEM fields. After choosing STEM herself when she was in high school, she can see how much the opportunities for students in this field have grown.

Following her early education, Amee went to The University of Texas to study Mechanical Engineering & Product Development before going on to succeed in many engineering jobs for companies such as Siemens, Smith System, Progression Technologies Inc. and finally GoEngineer.

Starting out as an Applications Engineer at GoEngeineer, Amee is now the Director of Engineering for the South Region, developing new talent and encouraging innovation.

She is also a certified SOLIDWORKS expert, among having many other impressive skills widely known in the manufacturing industry.

“I want to make sure that STEM is an option, show them that it’s fascinating, show them that there’s so much yet to discover and solve, and that STEM is for you if you want it.”

Where did your initial interest in STEM come from?

“Honestly, I chose STEM out of process of elimination. STEM fields were the only ones remaining after I eliminated many other career paths (And I shouldn’t have eliminated them…we really don’t know enough about career options when we are in High School, right?). I liked to figure things out, puzzles, logic, brainteasers etc.”

“Also, I liked taking things apart and learning how they work together and I enjoyed fixing things. But, I did not enjoy Calculus. My dad, who is an Engineer, told me not to get discouraged by the academics. He said ‘You learn everything you need to on the job, just get through school.’”

What is your current role/involvement in STEM?

“I collaborate with our local library for Tween STEM activities and also Elementary-aged STEM activities. I also am a guest speaker at my kids’ Elementary school to talk about all of the things that Engineers can do. I like to specifically mention things that appeal to them, like those silicone pop-it toys that are so hot right now, or Legos, roller coasters, robots, cars, and the recently trendy Twisty Pets, etc. When I mention things that they love and relate to, I know I’ve captured their attention, and that is the best most promising way to show them what is possible!”

Tell us a bit about your background and how you ended up in this role

”When I was growing up in the 80s and 90s, you couldn’t be interested in fashion and makeup but also be interested in science and math. You were either ‘a beauty’ or ‘a brain’, and you would never see these two groups sharing a table at the cafeteria. I have a daughter and by age 4 she was already compartmentalizing interests as girl toys and boy toys. I had this idea of introducing young girls to STEM fields and met with the library to develop a plan that is fun and educational.”

“I wanted to equally push reading and creativity, and so my curriculum included that as well. It’s not that I want to steer kids toward STEM exclusively, it’s that I want to make sure that STEM is an option, show them that it’s fascinating, show them that there’s so much yet to discover and solve, and that STEM is for you if you want it. If your talents are elsewhere, if there’s a drumbeat inside you that is leading elsewhere, then you should obey that too.”

What is your favourite thing about working in STEM? 

“Every day is different, the field evolves so quickly with new technologies. My favorite thing in recent years has been to develop new talent, watching them achieve and innovate, and perform in the spotlight. I know that if I give new talent the right tools, and if they are open to connection and feedback, they can really impress.”

What advice would you give to young women interested in pursuing a career in STEM?

  1. “You can change your career trajectory and focus at any time – you just need to be bold enough to do it.”
  2. “Request feedback often.”
  3. “Work for leaders who want you to succeed.”
  4. “Don’t be discouraged by slow growth with an organization (promotions, etc). If you are working for a great leader, you are gaining much more than just a title. And then your time will come and it will be amazing, because your excellent leaders have set you up for success.”
  5. “Take note of good and bad leadership and make your own cocktail of awesomeness when it’s your turn.”
  6. “And finally, avoid toxicity – Don’t let anyone crush your spirit. This is good advice if you’re 6 or 106.”

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

“I’ve had a lot of good advice, but cannot pinpoint one at the moment. However, the things that have been most critical to me was when someone gave me feedback that was hard to hear. Those are the moments that change you and the moments that make you grow exponentially faster. But, you have to agree to ask for it and/or listen to it, and they have to be willing to tell you. If you can ‘be real’ with anyone at your workplace, you should feel very lucky to have that in your life.”

Who or what inspires you?

“Optimistic and happy people energize me. They help me focus on possibilities and growth, and my current workplace is flooded with them!”

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