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International Women in Engineering Day 2024

As we celebrate International Women in Engineering Day 2024, we’re reflecting on the ongoing work at DriveWorks to champion education in STEM.

Education and awareness play vital roles in fostering inclusion and empowering women. Through initiatives such as mentorship programs, educational workshops, and advocacy campaigns, individuals and businesses can create opportunities for women to thrive.

DriveWorks is a company committed to providing opportunities to everyone, and we’re proud to play our part in helping to inspire the next generation of engineers.

Our support for young people includes:

  • introducing careers into STEM subjects at school
  • work experience placements for Year 10 & 11 students
  • a successful university placement program for students in their 3rd year at university and a graduate employment scheme
  • delivering guest university lectures on careers in engineering and computing
  • a certification program for students to learn about automation

DriveWorks Champions Education in STEM

The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge Partnership joins with employers to inspire, inform and communicate with the next generation of employees in Cheshire and Warrington. Businesses work together with educators to provide young people in the area with everything they need to succeed in the world of work.

Employers work directly with young people, teachers, parents, carers, and youth workers to provide employability-related skills and highlight the employment opportunities available.

Maria Sarkar, VP & Co-Founder at DriveWorks explains why supporting the Cheshire & Warrington Pledge is important to us.

“Supporting young people and nurturing talent in the community is a core value of our business. We’ve made Bridie from the DriveWorks team responsible for supporting the Pledge and have set aside time in her role to get involved in a variety of events and initiatives to help inspire the next generation. We are also delighted to be employer contributors to the Cheshire & Warrington Digital Skills Board.”

We’re extremely proud that DriveWorks’ Community Engagement & Onboarding Manager, Bridie Mills, was presented with the Outstanding Contribution Award at the Pledge Celebration Event in 2022. Bridie works closely with the Pledge, our local Pledge Facilitator and local education to support young people in Cheshire & Warrington.

Speaking about the importance of encouraging young women into STEM, especially from an education standpoint, Bridie explains:

“The workplace thrives on diversity and balance and encouraging young women to pursue careers in engineering is a cause close to our hearts at DriveWorks. We’re proud to support local schools with initiatives, such as ‘Girls in Computing’ to ensure that the future of the workforce is filled with diverse talent. Over the past 10 years, we have already seen an increase in the number of women in engineering roles in the UK and we look forward to seeing this grow even further over the next 10 years and beyond!”

Maria Sarkar Recognized for Services to Manufacturing with an MBE

In the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours List, published on Saturday, 15th June, DriveWorks VP & Co-Founder, Maria Sarkar was awarded an MBE for services to Manufacturing.

An MBE is a special honor given to recognize outstanding achievements and service to the United Kingdom. The awards are made twice a year in the UK – at New Year and on the monarch’s official birthday. The list of nominees is put together by a committee and forwarded for approval first by the Prime Minister, and then by His Majesty the King.

Maria actively promotes technology as a great career path for young people. She initiated the intern and graduate training programs at DriveWorks and hopes she has inspired other women to look at technology and the manufacturing sector as a positive career choice. She has spoken at industry events and worked closely with several northern universities.

“I’m proud to be a female co-founder and leader of an award-winning tech business today. Our business thrives on having a unique blend of people, personalities, and talents. We believe there should be no barriers to achievement and the more we can all raise awareness of opportunities and equality, the better.” Maria Sarkar MBE