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Good Luck Philip!

Today, we say goodbye and good luck to Philip, our Lead Developer.

DriveWorks’ Lead Developer, Philip Stears is leaving us today for an exciting new venture.

We’ve just had a Show and Tell dedicated to Philip, in which we mainly laughed at photos of him (sorry Philip!). There may have been a few watery eyes too.

It’s not goodbye, of course we’ll keep in touch with Philip and see him often but it’s going to be very strange not having this caffeine fiend around the office.

Philip has been an integral part of DriveWorks since he was 15. Philip has grown, not just in height but in knowledge too. He has worked on the DriveWorks software since the first version, with the help of our great team of devs he’s continuously improved it to be the great software we have today.

Thanks Philip, it’s been a blast!