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DriveWorksXpress Training – available through i GET IT!

We are sometimes asked about Training for DriveWorks and so we thought we would share this link to the latest DriveWorksXpress Training available through i GET IT.

i GET  IT provides the largest library of online training and tutorials for today’s leading design software and industry topics” and DriveWorksXpress Training is included in their Silver, Gold and Platinum SolidWorks Online Training Subscriptions.

The training focuses first on Using DriveWorksXpress and then looks at Case Studies using DriveWorksXpress – a helmet and wheel & tyre.

i GET IT introduction states: “One of the best tools for design automation included with SolidWorks, is DriveWorksXpress.

In this course, you’ll learn how easy it is to design for multiple model variations using DriveWorksXpress, replacing the need for models with large and complex configurations.

Key Topics include creating a DriveWorksXpress database, capturing model data, creating and input form, and creating rules to drive model variations.”

So, once you have attended the FREE DriveWorksXpress Getting Started Webinar – learn how you can become an expert with DriveWorksXpress by taking the i GET IT training course.