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Good Housekeeping for DriveWorks Projects

When implementing DriveWorks there are some key things to remember…

When setting up a DriveWorks project, whether in DriveWorks Solo or DriveWorks Pro, it is important to organise your project well and keep important information well logged.

Some recent tweets from Paul Gimbel, from DriveWorks Partner, Razorleaf highlighted some excellent best practices to note when implementing a DriveWorks project.

Paul named these tweets his ‘Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions that every DriveWorks implementer should make’. Although it’s a little late in January now, we agree with him and these should definitely be important tips you follow all year round.

#1 – TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST every time you add something. Have FIXED test cases to test with.

#2 – Customize your specification flow. Sorry, @DriveWorks, but FINISH and RELEASE are soooo DW5. – no offence taken, he’s right!

#3 – Put high-level settings (ex.Image path,SQL Conn String) as constants, variables or group table for easy maintenance

#4 – Document EVERYTHING in the rule COMMENTS. It may seem obvious now. 6 months from now? Not so much.

#5 – Use variable categories and subcategories to keep variables organized and easy to traverse.

#6 – Use variables any time you are performing the same calculation/logic in more than one place

#7 – Use best qty of master models. 2+ instead of 1 that’s too complex. 1 flexible, not tons of statics #Top10DriveWorksNewYearsResolutions

#8 – Plan out your table columns so lookups are easy and accurate @DriveWorks

#9 – Save and BACKUP all files, models, drawings AND DATABASES regularly…and VERY often.

#10 – Use intelligent and CONSISTENT names for all constants, variables, controls, tables, etc.

#11 – Save and BACKUP often. #Top10DriveWorksNewYearsResolutions

#12 – Save and BACKUP often. #Top10DriveWorksNewYearsResolutions

#13 – Did I mention Save and BACKUP often??? @DriveWorks #Top10DriveWorksNewYearsResolutions

Paul often tweets some handy DriveWorks tips. You can follow him for more @TheProcesSherpa

Tweet your DriveWorks New Years Resolutions using the hashtag #Top10DriveWorksNewYearsResolutions

Following Paul’s best practices is easy. Remembering where you stored all the information is the tricky bit.

At the back of the DriveWorks Solo and DriveWorks Pro Implementation Guides – available to buy from us, just email us if you’d like one – there are handy pages for jotting down all of this important information.

It’s so important to keep a log of it, we’ve made the Housekeeping pages available as a free download from the DriveWorks Community.

You’ll find it on the software page.