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DriveWorks – Time to get the bunting out!

We’re having a Party!

So much is happening! On thursday The Olympic Torch Relay came to our local town, we have the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, we are preparing for DriveWorks World, watching the European Football AND we have the London Olympics to look forward to.

This week the Olympic Torch was in the North West and there are lots of  celebrations in the local area around the DriveWorks office as we approach the Jubilee and double bank holiday.

We thought we would share some of these celebrations with our Resellers and Customers from around the world!

Lymm—Our local village ready for the Jubilee Celebrations


The Olympic Torch comes to Warrington

Olympic torch

Although we are headquartered in the UK, DriveWorks has a massive international reach with Resellers and/or Customers in all the countries pictured around this article! And that’s only the customers we know about, and does not  include the huge number of people who are also using DriveWorksXpress, free inside every seat of SolidWorks.

So in addition to our UK based celebrations we are looking forward to welcoming our many visitors to DriveWorks World this month. We just love being part of the international community.

From everyone here at DriveWorks we would like to wish you all very happy Diamond Jubilee celebrations and hope you are really looking forward to the Olympics!

Don’t forget, by keeping an eye on everything that happens in the DriveWorks Community you can keep up to date with all the latest information about upcoming webinars, latest software releases and all the other exciting news we have to announce!