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DriveWorks in the USA

It’s been a busy couple of months for the DriveWorks Team! Not only have we been on the road in the UK and Europe, attending reseller roll out events, but we’ve also been across the pond too!


In addition to visiting resellers and customers in Texas, VP, Maria and CEO, Glen spent a week in Boston USA at the DS SOLIDWORKS Waltham campus meeting with the Product Development and API teams. As always the SOLIDWORKS Partner team, Nick, Heather, Suzanne and Gabe made them feel right at home.

Maria was even presented with her very own Partner Programme shirt, which she proudly wore at DriveWorks HQ on her first day back.

Training with SolidXperts

Meanwhile Pre-Sales Engineer, Chris, travelled by train, plane and automobile to defeat bad fog to fly out to Montreal, Canada, where he has been providing DriveWorks update training for members of the SolidXperts team.

Ensuring DriveWorks product knowledge and certifications are up to date at our Value Added Resellers is important for us and we works hard to provide our VARs have as much support as possible.

One of our mottos here at DriveWorks is ‘Helping Others to Help Themselves’ and we work hard to ensure we provide training sessions and useful collateral for Reseller Application Engineers to use.

We’re really happy the training sessions with SolidXperts were so successful and at the point where they completed their DriveWorks Solo certification we re-named them SoloXperts!