Home / Blog / DriveWorks Office – The Perfect Location to Hold a SolidWorks User Group Event!

DriveWorks Office – The Perfect Location to Hold a SolidWorks User Group Event!

As the days get shorter and colder and the festive season approaches, celebrations are needed to keep everyone’s enthusiasm for design as high as ever.

Therefore, on 5th December 2011 the DriveWorks office complete with festive lights (!!) is the venue for the SolidWorks User Group of Manchester (SWUGOM) event. The event is open to all SolidWorks Users in the North West of the UK!

The event will be presented by the SWUGOM User Group Leader – Gareth Rogers and promises to be one of the best meetings yet!

One reason this event is guaranteed to be so memorable, is Andy Deighton, who is the SolidWorks Territory Manager for the WHOLE of Northern Europe is coming along to talk about SolidWorks 2012!

There will also be a copy of the Develop3D Magazine available for EVERY attendee!

If you’re a SolidWorks User in the Manchester area on the evening on 5th December, then just click to register here. It’s an opportunity not to be missed, especially when the office will be looking so Christmassy!

For more information look on the SWUGOM website (www.swugom.co.uk) or email Gareth directly (info@cadineer.co.uk).