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DriveWorks Goes Down Under!

A DriveWorks Trip to Australia and New Zealand

In August and September, Mark and Phil from the DriveWorks team will be in Australia and New Zealand visiting resellers, partners, customers and SOLIDWORKS User Groups. They will be visiting Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Auckland.


28/08 – 02/09

• Presentation by Phil at the Sydney SOLIDWORKS User Group Meeting.

• Intercad sales team training.

• Training with Bill Murch, Solutions Consultant at Intercad.

• Customer visits with Julian Spencer, Sales Engineer at Intercad.


02/09 – 09/09

• Presenting at the Melbourne SOLIDWORKS User Group Meeting.

• Meeting with Steve Galienne from DriveWorks Partner, 3D4.

• Sales training.

• Customer visits.

Brisbane & Auckland

10/09 – 13/09

• Phil flies to Brisbane for customer visits.

• Mark flies to Auckland to deliver sales training.

We hope to see you on our trip, if you see us make sure you say hi! We’ll be sharing details of the trip on Facebook and Twitter.