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Design Automation for BITS….

Meet the SMART guys

We all have grand plans. We all want to do so much. And then we all make excuses.

But life is too short to beat ourselves up so let’s just be happy for a few moments with the great things that we CAN do. Some people call it the 80:20 rule, others are not so generous. I’ve decided to call it the Smart Guys’ Reality Check. They know when they are on to a good thing and acknowledge it.

All too often people tell us about the most admirable design automation goals… and we applaud them. But more recently I have come to realize that there are some people just getting on with Design Automation and they are not shouting about their grand designs they are just saving some time, and getting on with their designs.

These are the people getting rid of mundane, error-prone, repetitive tasks.

Check out these savings. From 30 minutes to 1 minute.

The company that designs these makes machines – every machine needs a base – every machine is different. It used to take them 30 minutes to create this very basic base.

Now it takes them 1 minute… leaving them with an EXTRA 29 minutes to put into the design of the machine. Kerching WIN – WIN and its all down to design automation with DriveWorksXpress – maybe one day they will automate the design of the whole machine but for now they are happy doing bits 🙂