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  • An Introduction to DriveWorksXpress

     SOLIDWORKS World Hands-On Session If you’re going to be at SOLIDWORKS World in Dallas next year, don’t miss any of the Design Automation presentations. On Tuesday, February 2nd, Chris Cassettari from the DriveWorks team, will be presenting a hands-on ‘Introduction to DriveWorksXpress’ session. This session will be an introductory tutorial intended to give a hands-on proficiency of DriveWorksXpress. If you have SOLIDWORKS then […]

  • Designing for Design Automation

    A SOLIDWORKS World Break Out Session If you’re going to be at SOLIDWORKS World in Dallas next year, don’t miss any of the Design Automation presentations. On Tuesday, February 2nd, Danielle Splatt from Crank Out Designs, will be presenting a breakout session on ‘Designing for Design Automation’. Why attend? Design automation can be a cure-all for the aches in your design department. […]

  • Whale Tankers Excitement at DriveWorks HQ

    A Visit from a Tanker Designed Using SOLIDWORKS and DriveWorks. Any time we see a product created using SOLIDWORKS and DriveWorks it’s exciting, but when one pulled up outside DriveWorks HQ this morning, we all gathered at the window and couldn’t resist the photo opportunity! The driver of the tanker was very confused when we […]

  • DriveWorks Basics of Specification Flow and Macro Buttons

    A SOLIDWORKS World Break Out Session If you’re going to be at SOLIDWORKS World in Dallas next year, don’t miss any of the Design Automation presentations. On Monday, February 1st, Michael Jolley, an Applications Engineer from DriveWorks reseller TriMech, will be presenting a breakout session on ‘DriveWorks Basics of Specification Flow and Macro Buttons’. In the hour long breakout session, […]

  • SWUGN and DriveWorks

    As a SOLIDWORKS Gold Partner product, we’re really keen to get involved with the SOLIDWORKS community. We’ve been working closely with SWUGN leaders across the globe to arrange presenters to speak about DriveWorksXpress at their meetings and even send a goodie box of DriveWorks giveaways! As DriveWorksXpress is fully embedded and included in every licence of SOLIDWORKS, it’s […]

  • Have You Got a Question About DriveWorks?

    Every Thursday the DriveWorks Tech Team share their knowledge and expertise in 30 minute value added webinars exclusively for DriveWorks Reseller AEs and DriveWorks Pro customers on subscription support. On Thursday, November 5th, DriveWorks CEO, Glen will be hosting a Q & A session. Q & A with DriveWorks CEO, Glen Smith If you’re looking […]

  • Enter the SOLIDWORKS World T-shirt Design Contest!

    Take part in the SOLIDWORKS World 2016 t-shirt design contest and you could join us and many other SOLIDWORKS users in Dallas! This year SOLIDWORKS are offering you the chance to win a place at their annual user conference. Not only will you get a free full conference pass for SOLIDWORKS WORLD 2016 but your […]

  • Developers Only Drink Great Beer…

    It’s no secret that the DriveWorks team are passionate about beer, you only have to look back at photos from our summer party, airport visits and DriveWorks World, to see that beer is quite a common theme! Whilst most of the team are more than happy with a Budweiser, there are two members of our team who take beer […]

  • “Calculation Tables: It’s Like Excel, Only Better” – Paul Gimbel, Razorleaf

    Paul Gimbel, from DriveWorks partner, Razorleaf, is a DriveWorks enthusiast, supplier of office cookies, forum post regular, serial DriveWorks World attendee and CPD leaderboard topper. Our partners have great knowledge of DriveWorks and Paul’s enthusiasm is clear. This means he is able to write extensive, clear, technical content about DriveWorks software and the features within it. His most recent post on the Razorleaf […]

  • Spotlight on Oil and Gas

    The Oil and Gas Industry In today’s environment the Oil and Gas industry benefits our lives in several ways. The products in this industry are essential as they provide energy to heat homes, provide fuel to transport people or goods and are often the raw materials used to produce everyday items. The Industry and DriveWorks The extraction […]

  • Pattern Forme Limited: A DriveWorks Pro Case Study

    Pattern Forme Limited are one of the principle Thermoforming Tool Makers in the UK, with an excellent reputation for innovation and reliability. Their products include manufacturing Patterns, Designing and Machining Thermoforming Tooling, Punch and Die Tooling, and CNC High Precision Components using a range of materials, serving the Vacuum and Pressure Thermoforming Industry. We recently […]

  • Meet the Team: Sarah – From Placement Student to Senior Developer

    Get to know the team behind DriveWorks. The DriveWorks team has expanded from our single office 14 years ago, now we’ve filled The Barley Store at our Laskey Farm site and taken on more of the surrounding barns and out-buildings! Of course DriveWorks wouldn’t be such a great place without the people that make up our team. In this […]

  • Join Us at SOLIDWORKS World 2016

    For the 13th year in a row we’ll be attending SOLIDWORKS World! We hope to see you in Dallas, you’ll find us at booth #817 in the Partner Pavilion. We’ll also be presenting about Design Automation and Sales Configurators, look out for the dates and times of these demonstrations and workshops, announced on our blog and the SOLIDWORKS World website.

  • DriveWorks on the Road

    Supporting our Resellers at their SOLIDWORKS 2016 events! Join Us! Throughout October, our Value Added Resellers are hosting events to showcase the latest release of SOLIDWORKS. We’re going to be sponsoring, supporting and attending lots of these events and we hope to see you there! Keep an eye on our events page as we’re always […]

  • Using DriveWorks Pro to Create Custom Glassware

    A Case Study of Pine Research Instrumentation are a talented group of chemists and engineers who develop custom laboratory set ups for customers, which often includes glassware and custom electrodes. They’re the brains behind and they’ve been using DriveWorks Pro as an Online Sales Configurator to power it. Let’s find out more… The Problem Before using […]