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How to: Check Your Version of DriveWorks Pro

Driveworks Pro is made up of different software modules so that companies can just buy and install what they need, but we appreciate for those first getting started who may not be familiar with the product names it can be a little confusing.

The DriveWorks Pro installer contains all the DriveWorks Pro modules to make it as quick and easy to install as possible. Everyone needs DriveWorks Pro Administrator so that is checked by default.

It’s very easy to work out what version of DriveWorks Pro Administrator you have. You simply have to look at your license code:

Example License code: ADMV7 – FXD01 – ABC12 – DEF34 – GHJ56 – KLM78

The first 3 letters identify the product

ADM confirms you are looking at the DriveWorks Pro Administrator module.

The next 2 characters identify the version of the product

V7 = Version 7

Therefore you can see, just from quickly looking at the license code that the product you are using (for the above example) is DriveWorks Pro Administrator – Version 7.

You can find out other information from your license code too!

This shows your license is a fixed rather than floating license.

And this shows you have one activation for your license.

As you can see, the license isn’t just a random selection of letters and numbers. It can really help you understand important information about the product you’re using.

Here’s a table to show you what the various code abbreviations stand for:

ADMDriveWorks Pro Administrator
USRDriveWorks Pro User
PLTDriveWorks Pro Autopilot
ONLDriveWorks Pro Live
PVMDriveWorks Pro 3D Preview
SOLDriveWorks Solo
V7Version 7
V8Version 8
FXDFixed License
FLTFloating License
011 Activation
02, 03, 04 etc…2, 3, 4 Activations etc

This information can be found on the DriveWorks Pro HelpFile along with so much more to help you with your products. So remember to bookmark http://docs.driveworkspro.com/ and it can answer practically any question for you (as long as it’s DriveWorks related)!