Home / Blog / DriveWorks to attend CAD2M event. – 2nd October 2012

DriveWorks to attend CAD2M event. – 2nd October 2012

On 2nd October 2012 the DriveWorks team will be appearing at CAD2M‘s ‘Relatiedag’ at Burgers Zoo in Arnhem.

This year’s event focuses on building strong relationships with participants at the event through networking sessions, but also on “building the bridge between the idea of your product in your mind and putting your product on the shelf.”

With the theme ‘Passion for Technology’ this event will bring together like-minded people to see the launch of SolidWorks 2013! There will be a demonsration of ‘What’s New in SolidWorks 2013’ followed by vaiorus break-out sessions, and a talk from astronaut – Andre Kuipers about his experiences in space.

The DriveWorks team will also be there to present our Design Automation and Sales Configurator Solutions. Make sure you stop by the booth to see how much time we can save you and your company when designing and configuring products that are the same, but different.

For more information about the event, just click here.

We look forward to meeting you there!