Ruby Joins the DriveWorks Team
We have a very cute new member of the DriveWorks team. Meet Ruby, our new DriveWorks puppy!
Ruby is a 10-week old black labrador and we’re all very excited to have her as part of our team.
Our site is the perfect playground for a puppy and we’re sure she’ll be very happy here. She is already trying to make friends with the local horses, once she has had her injections she can go and play.
Look out for more pup-dates from Ruby, she’ll be a regular feature on our blog.
Meanwhile, we’re on the lookout for a puppy sized DriveWorks polo shirt!
As you can imagine, trying to get a photo of a very excitable, inquisitive puppy is not an easy task, but here she is proudly featured against the famous DriveWorks brick wall. She’s even got her own polaroid on our meet the team page.
Enjoy the funny, and super cute, outtake photos below!