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Using DriveWorks to Impress your Prospects

In today’s market, an increasing number of companies are engaging with their customers online. Online engagement is crucial as market research statistics from 2011 show that 50% of consumers spend at least 75% of their shopping time researching and looking at products via the internet.

These types of consumers want products that are tailored to their personal preferences which presents a big opportunity for retailers to showcase their products and the options available.

However, if you’re not presenting the opportunity for your prospects to create and view their design online, you’re missing a big opportunity to impress, and more importantly sell more products!

If you offer several product choices, it can be difficult to present them all in a way which makes it easy for the customer. Failing to provide your customers with all the information needed to make a choice can lead to them abandoning your products and choosing an alternative.

However, we’ve got the solution. DriveWorks Design Automation software enables you to empower your customers to make their own guided design choices. Impress your customers from the start with an easy to use configurator and quick, accurate quotes and responses.

DriveWorks can be used to let your customers see their custom products in impressive 3D and view the effects of their design changes immediately.

Prospects who can access an online configuration tool are more likely to educate themselves on your product, which leads to them being better informed before contacting you or placing an order – reducing the input needed by your sales team which can be spent elsewhere.