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New York City SOLIDWORKS User Group

Over the course of the last few months Heather has been presenting about DriveWorks at SOLIDWORKS User group meetings that have taken her from Boston to Seattle.

She’s really enjoyed getting to know the user groups and has found that the common element in all of these meetings is the same – the passion for design and supporting each other.It was no surprise that Heather’s visit to the New York City SOLIDWORKS User Group (NYCSWUG) meeting on July 13, 2016 held the same level of passion and energy.

A SWUG Meeting in the City That Never Sleeps…

“On Wednesday, the streets of New York City were jam packed with tourists and businessmen working their way through the 90-degree heat. Upon arriving at the School of Visual Arts, we met with Matt Rohr, the group leader for the NYC SWUG. After a brief tour of the school and seeing work being done by the students, the crowds gathered as we dined on sandwiches and bottles of water – no pizza (or bacon) in sight!

The evening’s agenda was full of great presentations – Earl Hasz provided an overview of SOLIDWORKS Electrical, while Arthur Young-Spivey provided an engaging comparison of rendering capacities of PhotoView 360 and SOLIDWORKS Visualize.

Between these two presentations, I gave a presentation of DriveWorks and DriveWorksXpress. This was a great opportunity to tell the users a bit more about DriveWorks, our company and how to activate DriveWorksXpress – the free design automation tool included in every seat of SOLIDWORKS.  At the end of the meeting, DriveWorks raffled off an Amazon Fire Tablet which was won by Alex Liew.

In addition to hosting a successful meeting, there were user group leaders in attendance from other parts of the country – joining in that evening were  Ed Gebo, Connecticut (CONNSWUG), David Antanavige, Long Island, New York (LISWUG) and Chris Wurtele all the way from Omaha, Nebraska (ONSWUG).

When these leaders go out of their way to attend and support another group or make it part of their vacation plans it truly speaks to the strength of the SOLIDWORKS User Group Community and we are proud to be a part of that.”