DEVELOP3D Live 2016

We’re already looking forward to the next event!

We’ve been going to DEVELOP3D Live since it began in 2012 and in 2015 we were a Silver Sponsor again. We had a great time, so we’re really excited to hear that planning is already underway for the next event.

DEVELOP3D Live 2015 featured over 30 amazing speakers from a variety of world renowned design, engineering and technology companies. There were also 60 exhibitors, including DriveWorks, showcasing the latest in product development technology.

The stage hosted many key players, including SOLIDWORKS CEO, Gian Paolo Bassi, who presented on What’s next for SOLIDWORKS. He covered how we must anticipate shifts in technology and society and how these shifts will create both opportunities and challenges for the engineering industry.

The 2015 event was the biggest to date and we’re proud to say that DriveWorks was part of it. The next event will be hosted in the same venue, Warwick Arts Centre, on Thursday 31st March 2016….and we’re getting ready for it too! See you there!

Save the Date – DEVELOP3D Live 2016Thursday 31st March 2016